Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My Name is Dave, and I'm a Graymer..."Hello Dave!"

I just couldn't go back to the mall. I'm too old. So I went out and bought a PS2 System so I can "game" in the comfort of my own home. Yes, I'm a grey, gay, gamer... hence to be known as a Graymer. I'm sure there is a support group for me. I have to admit that I really had some personal issues around buying a gaming system at my age. I just thought I was past all that. Too old to play video games. Don't get me wrong. I had the original Pong, and the original Atari system before anyone in the neighborhood. I played it everyday. Mastered every game. But I was 12... so it seemed OK. At 41, I really didn't think I could do it. Buy a game system. But I've succumbed to the whimsy of it all. Who cares. So I'm a Graymer. Eat me!

To my surprise, when I walked in the door last night, I found 2 DDR pads and Matt and Andy sitting in the dark waiting to surprise me. Matt, the DDR junkie, couldn't resist getting the DDR game since I was getting the PS2. I got home at 10:45 and we all played DDR until after midnight. It was super fun. Andy was totally rocking it out and getting the hang of it.

I decided to get PS2 so that I could get Guitar Hero 3. But then after I realized Rock Band was a guitar, drums, and a microphone all in one...GH3 was dead to me. I MUST have Rock Band. But, finding one has been tough. Luckily Matt found 2 at Best Buy. So I'll be there after my trip to Dallas to pick it up... and of course with an additional wireless guitar for massive group fun.

I feel SO sorry for my neighbors.

1 comment:

Matt G said...

Graymer lol... nice. You don't actually have any gray, so how about...


Gay Bearacle Gamer. It will catch on. Watch.