Thursday, January 3, 2008

Tuh-Laka-Pakee (Tlaquepaque)

So... during this whole trip I've been dealing with the flu. Throughout the trip, I've had a pretty bad cough. Well, my rib cage started to hurt when I coughed, and when I woke up today, the pain was there even while I wasn't coughing. So I got online and did some eMedical research and I think I've cracked/fractured a rib from coughing. In fact, one website said that 1 of 3 causes for cracking a rib is "a coughing incident at high altitudes" and um... I've been at 7,300 feet this whole time. So - I think that's what has happened. Oh well... Happy fucking birthday to me!

Today we hopped onto the open-air bus and went to the neighboring town of Tlaquepaque. It's kinda like Carmel in Mexico. Charming shops and awesome old buildings focused mostly on furniture and home furnishings. Tonight to celebrate my birthday we're going to dinner at what we've heard is THE best Mexican restaurant in Guadalajara called Sacromonte. Can't wait.

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