Friday, March 7, 2008

In love again after all these years

I didn't think it could happen this fast - but it has. I met him a while back through some friends. Every chance I got to be around him - I'd take it. I would often try to create situations that would end up with my hands all over him. And man - did I quickly learn how to push the right buttons.

I had recently thought about pursuing some other suitors but everytime I was with them - I kept comparing them to him.

We became an official couple on Sunday. We "made the deal" as it's often referred. We've been hot and heavy now for just under a week - but it seems like an eternity. I'm constantly looking at him, checking in with him, sliding my fingers all over him. I can't imagine how I got along without him all these years.

I know this is the one because I can't stop doodling "Mrs. David iPhone" all over my Pee-Chee folder ;-)


GabrielZ said...

omg. omfg. omffffg. you are talking about an iphone.

Anonymous said...

okay, throwing up a little in my mouth. at least have the dignity to have an unfulfilling relationship with a real person, like the rest of us.

Wilma said...

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!