I'm happy to announce to the WORLD that Matt and I are now in a relationship and I have a full-fledged butterfly aviary in my belly... and it feels AMAZING.
Matt and I have known each other for about 4.5 years, but after he and Scott parted ways, we started spending a great deal of time together and through that time we started getting closer and closer. And I started feeling those butterflies.
The scary thing, I have to admit, was that over the past few years, I started to wonder if I was EVER going to be in love again. I had to have a few serious conversations with myself and said, "Well Dave, it may just be like this for the rest of your life." And I started to listen to that voice more and more...and was saddened to think that I may never be in love again.
Now that Matt and I are together - I've never been happier. It's so great to feel these feelings again and to be silly, giddy, romantic, and loving. The unfortunate part is that Matt currently lives in LA and although he isn't too fond of it there, that's where his job is right now. He'd like to get back to SF as soon as he can, but we'll just do the long distance thing until the gods twitch their nose and make a few changes in our favor.
We've had the great fortune to spend 6 of the first 8 weekends of our relationship together - and I'm very excited about his visit next weekend to meet my family and some of my SJ friends. And our plan is to try and see each other at least every 3 weeks. I also talked to work about me working remotely for a week a month so I can spend a few longer trips with Matt in LA until the U-haul brings him home.
Our dynamic has been incredible. We have so much fun when we're together - and the way I see it, we're just a great match. We share a solid and close group of friends, which have been very supportive and encouraging.
The only way to describe how I feel is that I constantly wish I could smile bigger than I'm physically capable of.
He's my guy... I've got a guy... wow - it's been so long since I've been able to say that... I'm just "YAY" all over my face.
You boys just make me all warm inside. Thanks for sharing.
Cute cute cute! Glad you are back to the blog, and with such a lovely post. Very smoochie. =)
WOW! you just made me cry! Love you, Pooh Bear!
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