Wednesday, February 13, 2008

New Year's Eve AND an orgasm

Last night, went to probably the best concert I've ever been. I saw Mika - a new British singer who's first CD was one of my favorite CDs of the year. But the concert...OH MAN!

The venue was heaving with the most joyous energy I've ever felt. Mika's performance was incredible, with some fun stage production and cameo dancers. But I just can't describe the energy that was coming off of the crowd. It was palpable and contagious.
So glad I could share it with a great group of friends. And Chant got us all boas to wear - which definitely contributed to our vibe.

But the best part of the night was the encore/finale. He sang one of his bubblier songs called "Lollipop" and it started with everyone on stage dressed in fuzzie animal costumes like the ones that walk around at an amusement park. After they performed fornication moves on stage, the crowd was crazy excited and then during the last few minutes of the song, probably 50 large multi-colored balls appeared in the crowd - being tossed about. 2 cannons exploded with confetti for a good two minutes solid. Then two other cannons blasted streamers. The crowd went bizerk. I went bizerk.

At that moment I realized that the extreme joy and excitement I was feeling was what I'd always hoped the stoke midnight should feel like on New Year's Eve... while having an orgasm.

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