Sunday, March 2, 2008

Signs of mortality

Well - I officially feel old - or mortal for that matter. Went the doctor's the other day to find out I have high blood pressure and gout. Yes, gout. Wasn't that from the time of the plague and consumption? It's such a horrible word. But what it means is that I have high uric acid levels and that deposits little crystals in the joints.

What causes it? Excess red meat...and booze. Well, I don't eat a great deal of red meat, so I guess we know what the culprit is. And liquor is also contributing to my high blood pressure. (Along with the excess 40-50 lbs I'm carrying around) so the doctor has forbid me from drinking any liquor INDEFINITELY until all conditions are under control.

He said, and I quote, "Dave, if you blood pressure continues, and you don't change your health - you're going to have a heart attack...soon."

YIKES! So that day I went straight to the market, bought a crapload of veggies, tuna, chicken, and course, sandpapery fiber products...and headed directly to the gym. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

Next week the doc wants to put me on blood pressure meds. He said that once you're on - it's rare you come off of them - EVER. I don't like the sound of that. So I'm going to ask that he give me some time with diet and exercise to bring my blood pressure down naturally.

As a natural born project manager - I know I can manage this one. I have to admit- it really scared me when he said "Dave, you're going to have a heart attack!" That's not a great thing to hear. So I've been to the gym 3 days in a row - been eating well - and am determined to get this under control myself.

Thursday, February 28, 2008 will forever be known as the day I became mortal. I guess every human being, at some point in their lives, comes to this moment. When they cross over from eternal childhood where you never think it's ever going to end - to really being aware that this is definitely going to end someday... and that I'm approximately halfway there.

I think that moment is what triggers the midlife crisis. Oh great - now I guess I have to go buy a Corvette.


Anonymous said...

Same story for me three years ago. Lost 40 lbs, stopped drinking and go to the gym 3-5 days a week, and guess what? No pills of any kind. You can do it!

GabrielZ said...

I agree, Davey. You can do it.

Eric A said...

Go Rex, go!

Wilma said...

You will totally get back on track, Pooh Bear! MUAH!

Anonymous said...

Oh God, Davey...Oh God! Please, please take care of yourself and I'm sorry I asked you out to $2 beer night tonight. I would offer myself any day in exchange for you being okay. Okay? I love you, man.