Thursday, April 3, 2008

Bearacle Optical

Me in my new glasses.


GabrielZ said...

Those are great glasses! They look amazing on you! W00t! Niiice. Love em. As someone who's spent a lifetime in her eyewear, I know how difficult it is to find ones that look really good. Those are them!

Anonymous said...

Adorable. Of course you could have coke-bottle lenses and still be the cutest thing on two legs.

Eric A said...


Wilma said...

You look so cute, Davey!

Dave D said...

thanks for the nice words, everyone. LOL... sweet. And anonymous, i like yours the best.

Matt G said...

Very fistable! VERY.

If we were ladybugs and I saw you kickin it with those glasses on, I'd ask for you to take MY LADYBUG COCK! lol

Anonymous said...

Who's the skinny guy in the cute glasses and how did I get onto
Oh's that hateful whore of a friend of mine who lives in San Francisco.
