Thursday, May 15, 2008

It's quite a rash

I noticed that many people on Facebook made it a point to change their "STATUS UPDATE" commenting on today's auspicious supreme court ruling. I've captured as many as I could find to commemorate what a historic day this is - for gay people and for equal rights. Enjoy!

" available for marriage. apply now! I AM SO HAPPY!!!! Thank you San Francisco!"

"...wants a wedding in a big church with bridemaids and flower girls...! (In honor of the California Supreme Court)."

" just going to have to get married now!!!"

" listening to people on the streets of SF from my office celebrating the CA court ruling. Wahoo!"

" is excited about getting married....AGAIN."

"...says The court has spoken ... where's my ring?"

" wondering who from this group is getting married first?"

"...celebrates social justice today!"

" amazed by the amount of media in the castro- the gay marriage bill passed in California."

"...I can now get married. Which means it's a conscious choice when I don't. D'oh."

" Woot! California does it again! yay!"

"...wants to marry some guy. Now."

"is thinking...would it be tacky to wear white?"

" happy! CA Supreme Court overturned the Ban On Same Sex Marriage!"

"...Cafe Flore is having a Gay Marriage Drink Special: Sex on the Beach $5. As if married people have sex on the beach."

" recently divorced, so fuck marriage."

"...YAY! WE won, YOU lost."

" gay merry-ed."

" saying...YAY! for the marriage ruling."

" celebrating our WIN against oppression!! Gay marriage in Cali, BITCHES!! ... and, no, I won't marry you just 'cuz I can ;)."

" jumping up and down, cheering all LGBTQ!!! LETS GET MARRIED!!!!"

" shocked the CA Courts did the right thing!"

" happy; first from dad calling and now having the right to marry. Now i just gotta find a man to stick around long enough to propose ;-)."

"...jumps in excitement: I CAN GET MARRIED NOW!!!! I love California - this is monumental!"

"...says my gf just agreed to marry me....for real this time!"

"...COULD get married, now. The human race steps forward."

" challenging his friends to defeat the gay marriage ban in November."

"...thinks that he is suddenly going to be deluged with wedding invitations."

"...wonders if his presence in a state triggers legalization of same sex marriage. If so, how quickly can he move from state to state?"

" happy that California is ending marriage discrimination."

1 comment:

Wilma said...

Great entry! Happy day indeed!

I think Andrew and I are going to get married in August, as close to our anniversary as possible.