Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Apologies for hiatus

Hey all - so sorry I haven't updated this in 2 weeks. I've super busy with work and trips, so there's actually a bunch to share but not much time to share it. Stay tuned. I'll be slapping up a few entries when I get a chance (i.e. time) to pump 'em out. Topics to come:

1. Our own personal dilusions
2. 401Ks and rock concerts
3. Stranded at the top of a roller coaster
4. "Hello, Dolly. Well hello, Wall-E"
5. New digs - bad attitude
6. Objectum-sexual (Get ready for this one...)


Anonymous said...


Matt G said...

4 minutes
4 minutes
4 minutes to type your stuff

Dave D said...

Geez...tough crowd! thanks for the encouragement. Traveling this week so we'll see if I can get these all updated during my vacation downtime... inbetween tea dances, cocktails, and chasers

Stephanie Lucas said...

After having slipped and fallen in a large pool of Stranger Child Upchuck at the local Disney Store, and being sent home in the most gawd-awful getup of free clothes that have--Christ in heaven---WINNIE THE F*KING POOH all over them, I thought hey, I'll go read Davey's blog and all will be well, and instead i get a series of Upcoming Fall Season teasers.


snif, pout.... more wine...slurp....I'm going to go kill myself with Fig Newtons

Matt G said...

ok, so i don't know who stephanie is, but i love her. LOVE. "Christ in heaven---WINNIE THE F*KING POOH"