Monday, September 15, 2008

My Dirty Little Secret...EXPOSED

It appears my attempts to keep my dark secret buried have failed. Yes... it's true... I'm a hard-core, red-state, tax-break, war-loving, gay-hating REPUBLICAN. If you don't believe me, just follow these simple instructions:

STEP 1: If you are a member of Facebook, log on.
STEP 2: In the search field in the upper-righthand corner, enter the name "John McCain"
STEP 3: See the results

LOL... WTF???

Facebook has some serious algorithm issues with their search engine. I mean - seriously - Top 5 result for a "John McCain" search? Of all the hundreds of thousands of people on Facebook...that probably have the name John...or McCain...or John McCain... and good ol Dave DeFranco comes up because I have "Edwin McCain" and "John Grisham" listed in my FAVORITES section of my profile.

I like how they can accurately recommend a friend that I should know...but their search engine can't add a layer of relevance to know that I shouldn't be coming up in the Top 5 results for John McCain...

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