Monday, December 15, 2008

The cat's out of the fag

Well... she knows. My 13-yr old niece now knows that her Uncle Dave is a big mo. So last night we were at my parents' house for my brother's birthday dinner, and after we were done eating, and clearing the table, it happened to just be me, my brother, and my sister-in-law in the dining room and my sis says, "Oh, your niece asked me if you were doing 'Day Without a Gay'?"

My jaw dropped.

She looked at me funny and said, "Oh, wait, did we forgot to tell you that we told her you're gay?"

Um...yeah...minor detail ya left out. LOL.

Turns out during a long wait for a Mocha Frapuccino at Starbucks, my brother was bored, looked over at my niece and said "By the way, you know how you're always asking why Uncle Dave doesn't have a wife? It's cuz he's gay."

And what was her response? "Oh, that makes sense."

I love it. So turns out she's totally cool with it. I didn't get a chance to acknowledge to her that I know that she knows. But I'll get a chance to do it soon. I'm just glad she was really mature about it and has no problem. I can't wait to start dishing on boys with her... problem is...she is too mature for me now. I mean, she's 13, and most gay men are more like 12-yr old girls. I hope she'll hang out with me at recess still.

They decided to hold off on telling my 8-yr old niece for a while. Turns out the 13-yr old doesn't think the young one can "handle" it. Perfect!

Here's a pic from Saturday. They were both in a community production of the Nutcracker. They did awesome. Of course. So weird to see them wearing makeup. They grow up so fast.


Eric A said...

Awww Rex, that's so sweet :) Glad it all turned out well.

Matt G said...

You can give her proper head giving technics. Using something very innocent, of course. Like a banana.

GabrielZ said...

I'm going to ignore Matt G's comment entirely and tell you that I'm super happy for you. Now that that's out of the way...

One thing I've learned from this whole dog business is that the energy you give something is the energy it gives you back. Consider that...

Wilma said...

I too will ignore Matt's comment and say I agree with Gabe Z.

And congrats, Pooh Bear. I know you've been worried about the moment of truth fast approaching. That was my sister's response when she asked about it when she was 12. =)


Dave D said...

I know, right? Matt, what's UP with that comment? That's something that even putting "jk jk" next to it can't absolve.

Matt G said...

Wow, ok. I'm sorry that I've offended you guys. G rated comments from now on.

Matt G said...

Change of heart. I'm not sorry for making the over-the-top comment. I was trying to deflect the seriousness of the matter by saying something ridiculous.

When did Gabe and Will get all fucking sensitive?

Unless your niece reads your blog, I think this totally falls under our twisted sense of humor.

Dave D said...

Hahaha ... no, not offended at all...that's just .our inappropriate friend striking again! LOL ;-)

Wilma said...

I think it would take a lot more then that to offend Gabe and I. LOL.

I got that you were just trying to juxtapose the sweetness of the moment with crude humor. I just think sometimes you don't always have to, and just let the moment be.


Dave D said...

oh snap! I think this needs to get settled on the playground...with knives and japanese deathstars! LOL.

Anonymous said...

Back to the nieces to pieces story.....I'm just so happy for you Davie! To think you can be yourself around her! It must have been a strain on your vocal cords lowering your voice like that everytime you were with her. And what about your lower back? - now you won't have to tense it up all the time when you walk with her - I say let that washing machine go into its natural spin cycle - "max extract" -(front loading of course).

P.S. I lol at the banana comment.

Anonymous said...

Because your neice hadn't figured it out yet, I just figured she'd had a lobotomy at birth or something. :-) I mean, palease Mary: the way you sashay around with those damned wrist splints holding things together? You're the only guy I know who drives a sports car side saddle. Surely (Shirley?) there must be nellie nancy boys like you at her Junior High School, huh? Sweetheart, butch is just an illusion...

Love ya. Mean it.
