Friday, January 18, 2008

A bit of nonsense

So a few things... on Sunday, Matt and I went to see Juno (my review on that in a skosh) but we had some time to kill so as we were strolling through the Metreon, we went into the Sony store and, low and behold, they have built a little stage, painted black, with large plasma screens all around, where 2 people can play Guitar Hero. So... of course... guess what we did. It was us, and two 9-yr old boys, taking turns. It was SO fun. Matt did awesome. I did average...but my little fingers were flying. SO FUN. I want to buy it.

Then, we walked upstairs to find out that the new arcade, TILT, was open. Matt could smell the fumes coming from the DDR wing. Sure enough, we turned the corner and they had like 8 DDR machines. A mix of the old ones (4 pads) and the new ones (5 pads). He was ALL over trying the new version. He did pretty well but it was a trip. It was funny to see him get SO excited about all the DDR equipment. It was like a kid seeing Santa at the mall. Very cute. He's such a big kid.

Then we saw Juno! What a GREAT movie. OMG. It's charming, touching, funny, and poignant. And the soundtrack was quirky yet pefectly suited for the movie. I give the movie 9 out of 10 curled lashes. And I give the soundtrack an 8.

Then I saw The Diving Bell and the Butterfly last night with Andy and Diego. Wow - what a tortured story. If you don't know the background, an Editor of Elle magazine has a stroke and ends up completely paralyzed - except for the ability to blink. No speaking. Can't even wiggle a finger. Yet, his mind is fully functioning. Through the use of an alphabet code, he dictates his memoirs which were then published. The movie is the adaptation of his memoirs, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. A bit slow, but still very moving. Really makes you appreciate your health and the perserverance of the human spirit. It's a rental, though. No need to see on the big screen. But worth the journey. I give it 7.5 curled lashes. ;-)

1 comment:

Matt G said...

I'm not a little kid! I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not *stomps on floor*