Monday, January 14, 2008

I swear I don't smell

So there is a vacancy at the DeFranco Home for Gayward Boys. My latest roomy, Matt, has moved out. I'm very sad. I really enjoyed having him at the house. It's amazing how much companionship I enjoyed from him being here.

But he's got a better living gig over at Ed's place with his own partial bachelor pad... so I understand. Doesn't change how lousy it still feels. The house is very quiet. Took me a while to get used to being in the house by myself. So funny how fast you can get used to not living alone.

I truly enjoyed the 2.5 months he was here. Was great to hang out and spend some quality time together. He assured me that he didn't move because of some foul smell. So that made me feel better. :-(

1 comment:

Matt G said...

silly rex. of course you don't smell! i'm forever grateful for your hospitality and friendship. i just didn't want to occupy your space and stagnate in my own failures lol. you ROCK! and please don't be sad