Monday, November 3, 2008

Still sassy at 83

I called my Grandma this morning on the way to work. When I told her about Halloween and that I was dressed up as a 70s pornostar/pimp her quick reply was "Oh, too bad I wasn't there, I could've been the hooker!" Luv it!

Then she tells me that in her senior building, everyone takes turn being the floor captain to make sure everyone is still alive. Well, recently the neighbor man's meals-on-wheels food was sitting out in the hallway too long so my Grandma went in and found the man dead. Her response was "And you know's a myth. He didn't have a hard-on."

I luv her! If you want to learn more about my Grandma, reference this earlier blog posting. She's just too much!


Anonymous said...

I love sassy elders! I had two grandmas, one strict and the other more sassy. The sassy one died first :(

GabrielZ said...

i can vouch - your grandma is hilarious!