Why is EVERYONE moving away? I swear, all of the closest people in my life have moved away over the past 7 years. It all started with my good friends Mike and Jenn. Mike and I have been best friends since 6th grade. He got married and moved off to Eagle, CO - of all places. That started it off. Soon after, other best friends Todd & Lisa moved to Minneapolis. Then there was the great desert migration of 2002-2006. John & Scott moved to Palm Springs...Danny moved to Palm Springs...Kevin (aka Stella) moved to Palm Springs and Vinnie moved to Las Vegas. Then Gabe and Jason moved off to NYC just when Gabe and I were hanging out more and more - which I truly cherished. Then after a super fun 8-month roommate gig, Jason decided to move to Palm Springs. Jason's move was very hard on me. We were so close before but living together really turned us into husbands. He always said that it was the most perfectly conceived sexless marriage - ever. It was hard to go back to living alone after he moved out.
Then Andy moved to Santa Cruz... close but yet so far. I was able to supplement my roommate aches by having Andy and Diego stay with me when they would come up for 3-4 day weekends. That was nice. And then Shannon stayed here for about 5-6 weeks, every other week, while he looked for a place to live...but that one worked out because it meant Andy was moving back to SF. So I'll chalk his move up to a momentary lapse of reason. He's forgiven.
And then- just when I had completely recovered from Jason's move - and things seemed really great, Wilma and Andrew announced their move to L.A. After a long, arduous "going away" season, they moved (well sorta). They were SUCH a huge part of my everyday life that I felt a little lost for a while once they finally moved. I don't think the true effects of their move have truly been experienced yet - as I've seen then about every week since their move - and probably will through the 3rd week of January. So I think February is when I'll feel the true pain of their move.
You'd think that would be enough, right? You'd think that having 15 people move away who were incredibly significant parts of my life would be plenty. Quota filled. I would. Oh no. It's not over.
Now, it seems apparent that Matt (aka Chant) is moving to god-only-knows-where to kickstart his career. Who would think that there would be a job opportunity in Little Rock...and not San Francisco. Well, thank god he's
not moving there... but he's moving somewhere. And that really sucks. I don't like it!
And then on Friday night I just found out from Don that he has a job interview that may take him off to Washington D.C. I mean - come on?
Is it me? Do I smell? What's going on?
Don't get me wrong - I am SO excited for their journeys. Moving is SUCH an adventure and brings new aspects to your life that you just can't get from sticking around one place forever. It doesn't change the fact that it's bittersweet for us that remain behind. Let's face it. Things are never the same after they move. You can call, and text, and email, and visit. But it's not the same as when they're here to hug, to laugh with, or to just walk next to when you're doing nothing exciting at all.
I imagine a day when everyone realizes they're done with their journey and simultaneously they all decide to move back to SF. Then we can all be together - all the time - and live as one big family. I just realized that's my Christmas Wish.